2018 L.A.M.B Calendar
JanuaryThurs. 11th : organizational meeting
FebruaryWed. 14th: Lenten Lunch at 1 pm
MarchWed. 7th: Lenten Lunch at 1 pm
JanuaryThurs. 11th : organizational meeting
FebruaryWed. 14th: Lenten Lunch at 1 pm
MarchWed. 7th: Lenten Lunch at 1 pm
AprilSat. 7th: Days for Girls 10am-3pm
MaySunday, 13th: High School Quilts
JuneSunday, 24th: Coffee Hour
Julyspend time with family |
Augustspend time with family |
SeptemberSunday, 16th: Church Picnic
OctoberSunday, 28th: Coffee Hour |
NovemberSunday, 11th: Veteran's Event
DecemberWed. 5th: Advent Lunch
Sunday Service: 10:00 am
Adult Bible Study: 9:00 am |